We Start Working with Microsoft
We start working with Microsoft with the news that the company is donating free software and trainings to small NGOs in Bulgaria with teams of up to 10 people.
The information was covered by the leading NGO portal NGObg.info with active links to the pages where the software can be downloaded and it was completely covered, the way it was presented to media.
Most of nonprofits around the world have less than 10 employees. А study from Microsoft found that 60 percent of nonprofits report having no organizational digital policy to manage cybersecurity risk, and 74 percent do not take critical security steps to ensure email accounts are not compromised.
Due to the lack of organizational and financial resources and capacity, many small non-profit organizations cannot rely on modern tools for cooperation and operational efficiency. Outdated technologies are used, security is a matter of good will, data is vulnerable.
Microsoft launched several new offers for non-profits including the Microsoft 365 Business for Non-profits offer, the Microsoft Digital Skills Center for Non-profits, and the Non-profits Operations Toolkit.
TechNews.bg explains more, you can read here.
The information was also shared by The American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria (AmCham) in its website and newsletter. Also – by TodayTech and Твоят Бизнес.