The Bulgarian National Statistical Institute Goes Online

The National Statistical Institute and Acta Verba organized a press conference to announce the start of a project for automation of online requests for statistical information. The event took place on July 30 at the NSI Press Club and provoked great interest among media (take a look at some of the media coverage below).

The automatic execution of the online requests for statistical data will save time and resources and will provide the users with fast and easy access to relevant, reliable and up-to-date information.

The budget of the project, funded by the  Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity“, is 795 000 BGN and it would be implemented within 18 months.

Some of the coverage is available below (in Bulgarian): Automation will save time and resources at NSI  NSI develops e-system following the Eurostat model

Computerworld: NSI to automate the execution of the requests for statistical information

The project team from left to right: Diana Yancheva, Manager of the project, Veneta Petrova, Project Coordinator and Aneta Fasulkova, Senior Accountant

The project team from left to right:
Diana Yancheva, Manager of the project, Veneta Petrova, Project Coordinator and Aneta Fasulkova, Senior Accountant