Microsoft is Looking for the Best University Teams that Could Change Education with Technology

Teams from Bulgaria can participate in the international learning camp “AI Bootcamp” in Budapest.

Microsoft is gathering participants for the competition The next AI Guardiansin 2020. Bulgaria is in the list of the countries where local representatives from universities, researchers and their students are offered the opportunity to show how education can be improved with artificial intelligence (AI). Those who wish to take part in the competition may apply until January 25th on the following page:

The contest is open in more than 25 countries, including Bulgaria. Teams composed of 1 researcher and up to 4 students are invited to take part. They must believe they can present the next big idea which can change the future of education via artificial intelligence.

“The next AI Guardians” is a great opportunity for all university teams to use their potential and latest technologies. During the contest everyone who takes part will be offered to learn and exchange ideas (или get advice) with some of the leading professionals in the field of AI.

Albena Spasova who is in charge for Microsoft’s educational initiatives in 24 countries in Central and Eastern Europe says: “More and more schools, universities, research laboratories and other educational institutions are transforming and changing via intelligent systems and solutions that can help people learn and achieve their goals.”

Here is the timeline of “The next AI Guardians” competition:

Step 1:

Time to gather your team. Microsoft recommends you have up to 4 students and 1 researcher and if possible – a professor to be their guide. Register as an eligible team and upload a 2-3-minute video explaining the AI-driven solution meant to solve education pain points by Jan 25th, 2020.

Stage 2:

After the announcement of the qualified teams, on Jan 31st, 2020, they will have to implement a demo of their idea. During stage 2, every team will benefit of a tech and business mentorship supported by Microsoft. Guided by their mentor, each qualified team will have consultations in Microsoft Teams to improve their concept and get their demo to the final.

Stage 3:

During Mar 30th – April 3rd all qualified teams will be scheduled to present their concept in a Teams call. The best five will make it to the final. Announced on Apr 8th by our judges the winning teams will be invited to the “AI Bootcamp” in Budapest.

Stage 4:

Until May 26th, the finalist teams will need to polish every single project detail of their concept and learn how to present it in front of the audience – top minds in the field. The Final Gala will be held May 27th29th at the “AI Bootcamp” in Budapest, the place where Microsoft will decide upon the best concept that has the potential to improve the educational journey of the next generation.

On the registration page you can find more about the competition timeline, judging criteria and details about the resources you can use. Further details will be shared on the competition’s official Facebook page: Microsoft AI Bootcamps and Instagram account: Microsoft_AI_Bootcamps.

Here is a part of the media coverage of the information:

Educational institutions in Bulgaria shared the message for the competition with their students. Among them are Technical University of Sofia – Center “Career and Alumni”, “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse, Shumen University “Episkop Konstantin Preslavski”, Burgas Free University.